HOA Messenger Privacy Policy

Posted: April 25, 2022

Effective: April 25, 2022

In order to provide our services, it requires us to collect personal information from you. This Policy informs you of our policies regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personal data when you use our Service, and the choices you have associated with that data.  Our products (“Services”, or “Platform”) are offered by HOA Station, Inc., or by companies related by common ownership or control (Collectively “HOA station”, “HOA Messenger”, “we”, “us”, or “our”). We use your data to provide and improve our Service. By using our Service, you agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this policy. Unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy, the terms used in this Privacy Policy have the same meanings as in our Terms and Conditions. If you have any questions about this privacy policy, please contact us.

*We DO NOT and WILL NOT sell your personal information to third parties.

What information do we collect?

We collect information when you (or your organization) create a HOA Messenger Account or interact with our Services. We may collect personal information such as your email address, telephone number, your mailing address, or any other personal information you choose to share while using our products. Note that our platform has been developed so that you are able to connect with other people and organizations. Therefore, others using our services may be able to input information about you on our Platform. For example, if you are an account administrator such as a Manager or Co-Manager, you may need to provide us certain personal information of residents or vendors who own property or do business in your HOA(s) to realize the full benefits of our services. When providing us with any personal information that is not yours, you are responsible for obtaining any necessary permission that may be required before submitting such information. If you are granted access to HOA Messenger’s services through an organization that you are affiliated with or do business with (such as a “Homeowners Association” or “HOA”), the organization’s designated administrator may control and administer details of your account, for example, by accepting, declining, or deactivating access rights; changing some aspects of your personal information (such as correcting the misspelling of your name). If your access rights are amended by the owner of designated administrator, then you may lose access to the information that is in control of the organization. Also, our service includes a feature that allows you to invite others to use HOA Messenger; please ensure that you only invite individuals or businesses with whom you have a relationship with and who you know would want to receive any messages associated with our Services.

When do we collect or process information from you?
HOA Messenger relies on you to provide us with information that is accurate and complete. You can request updates or corrections of any inaccuracies in your personal information at any time by using features within our Services to change the information yourself, or by contacting us at the contact information listed in this Privacy Policy. We collect and process personal information about you: If we have your consent to do so; when it is necessary for us to process personal information so we can fulfill our contract with you, including to provide you with the benefits of the HOA Messenger Platform and operating our business; when processing is for a legitimate business interest such as operating HOA Messenger’s Services, improving the HOA messenger platform, providing customer service, communicating information about our platform, and personalize your experience, and to detect illegal activities; or when required to comply with any applicable laws and regulations.

What information do we collect, why do we collect information from you, and how is it used?
HOA Messenger collects, uses, discloses, and otherwise manages Personal Information provided by you in a variety of ways related to the services we provide. However, your use of the services determines which information we collect and use. For example, accounting information is optional, unless you’d like to use the HOA Messenger Accounting Feature, at which point you may need to provide certain information required to utilize the Accounting Feature. We need certain information from you in order to provide our services to you. For example, when you create an account or interact with HOA Messenger’s services, we may collect personal information such as your name, address, phone number, and email, or other data relevant to HOA administration. Information we collect helps us personalize your experience and tailor recommendations, advertising and offers presented to you, including through the development of insights about you and your needs based on your interactions with the products, services, and offerings of our platform. Information we collect helps to provide you with more efficient and more personalized customer support. Information we collect helps us  authenticate your identity. Information we collect helps us be able to offer you Products or Services from our Business Partners. We May from time to time work with business partners that are not HOA Station, Inc. companies to provide you with information, such as educational guides, that will assist you with using the HOA Messenger Platform. Information we collect gives us the ability to contact you when there is a service outage or update, or notifications related to your HOA Messenger account.  Information we collect helps us detect, prevent and address technical issues. Information we collect allows us to provide better data security. You may be asked to provide other information that can verify your identity or the identity of your organization. We collect information and usage data whenever you interact with us, whether online, through a mobile application, or through an email. This data may the collection of information that your browser sends whenever you visit our Service or when you access the Service by or through a Mobile Device (“Usage Data”). This Usage Data may include information such as your computer’s Internet Protocol Address (e.g. IP address), browser type, browser version, the pages of our Service that you visit, the time and date of your visit, the time spent on those pages, unique device identifiers and diagnostic data.  Knowing how you use the product helps us provide more personalized advice or recommendations for you, and these activities may be performed by us either manually or automatically or by a service provider acting on our behalf. Automated activities include artificial intelligence (AI) or other technologies that allow our services to learn and reason to improve the platform’s ability to personalize and enhance your experience while using the Service. These activities and data yield important insights that also help us protect the service against misuse or abuse of our services.Information we collect helps us protect the Service against misuse or abuse of our services and ensure compliance with our terms, including in relation to content our customers send or display through the platform. Information we collect helps us  promote or determine your eligibility for new products. Many Services we offer can be used for free. We are able to provide some Services for free because some users choose to upgrade to one or more of our paid Services. If you sign up for our Service, we will, from time to time, send you information about upgrades to our paid Services.  Product recommendations about our products, services, or experiences and other non-transactional communications may be sent via email, post, telephone, SMS, or push notifications. If you don’t want to receive a particular type of marketing material from us, click the “unsubscribe” or request to be removed by emailing hello@hoamessenger.com. Information we collect helps us assist you with use of the Bookkeeping Services. When you interact with our bookkeeping services, we may receive information about the questions you ask, the details of your accounts and the guidance provided by you.  Some of our features can help Homeowners Associations Manage their finances, pay their bills, and collect payments. Therefore, we may receive information about your organization when provided by you or when you sign in through a third-party service with your HOA Messenger Account. For example, you may choose to connect and synch your bank account so you can review its finances, expenses, invoices, financial statements, details of your financial transactions, or details about residents, vendors, or employees of your organization(s). Certain features within HOA Messager’s services require access to your camera or documents. Therefore, to use our services that require access to camera or documents, you will need to grant us permission to access these features on your device. We may disclose aggregate information compiled using information that does not identify you individually or personally. Our services are not intended for or directed to children. Therefore, we do not knowingly collect personal information from children. If you believe we may have information from a child, please contact us.

Third Party Services
We may use certain trusted third parties such as service providers who provide services on our behalf, and API services such as Twilio, Plaid, or Stripe for certain product features.  If you choose to use those features, we may share your information with third party service providers as needed to deliver, maintain, support, secure, and improve our Service. The Service providers or agents we use to help deliver our services are required to have reasonable privacy protocols to maintain the privacy and security of information provided them that is consistent with the practices in this policy; we’ll remain responsible for their handling of your information, guided by your instructions. Service provided by these third-party service providers may include, but is not limited to, identify verification, payment processing, fraud prevention, database management, data storage, web analytics, and marketing services. Our third-party service providers will only have access to your information for the purposes of completing tasks on our behalf in compliance with our Terms of Service, and we are not obligated to use or disclose your information for any other purpose or in any manner that does not adhere to the information contained in this privacy notice. For the Accounting Feature and Payments Feature, HOA Messenger uses Plaid to sync your data from your banking institution(s). Therefore, if using these features, you will need to agree to your banking information being transferred, stored, and processed by Plaid in accordance with their privacy policy.

How long do we retain your information?
HOA messenger will retain your information as long as necessary to deliver our services and comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, reserve our legal rights, and enforce our agreements. We may share retained information with third parties for legal reasons without your consent as permitted by law when we reasonably believe that (1) it is required to do to comply with a subpoena, court order, or any relevant law, regulation, or legal process; (2) to protect the rights, property, or safety of the HOA Messenger Platform, our users, or others (3) to enforce or apply our Terms of Service or other agreements; (4) to prevent fraud, cyber security attacks, or illegal activity.

How do you update information that you have provided to us?
You can edit your personal information at any time by changing it directly using our products and services, or by contacting us.

Security Disclosure
HOA Messenger uses reasonable and appropriate safeguards to protect your information. However, no method of data transmission over the internet is 100% secure and so absolute security cannot be guaranteed.

Changes to our Privacy Statements
We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time and will notify you of any changes by posting the new privacy Policy on this page. WE will let you know via email and/or a prominent notice on our Service, prior to the change becoming effective and update the effective date” at the top of this Privacy Policy. You are advised to review this Privacy Policy periodically for any changes. changes to this Privacy Policy are effective when they are posted on this Page.

Mergers & Acquisitions
If HOA Messenger is involved in a merger, acquisition or asset sale, your Personal Data may be transferred. We will provide notice before your Personal Data in transferred and becomes subject to a different Privacy Policy.

We use cookies and similar technologies to gain insights as to how the Service is being used, and to make it possible to navigate our Service in a manner that is secure. Cookies are files with a small amount of data which may include an anonymous unique identifier. Cookies are sent to your browser from a website and stored on your divide. Other technologies are also used, including beacons, tags and scripts to further gain insights as to how our Service is being used so that we can improve the Service. If you are a California Resident, you may have the following Rights: A Right to access the categories or personal information we have collected about you; A Right to access the sources from which that information was collected; A Right to access the business or commercial purpose for collection your personal information; A Right to access the categories of third parties with whom we share your personal information; A Right to access the specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you; A Right to access the categories of personal information we disclosed for a business purpose; A Right to be free from discrimination related to your exercise of any of your California Privacy Rights. We do not support Do Not Track (“DNT”). Do Not Track is a preference you can set in your web browser to inform websites that you do not want to be tracked. You can enable or disable Do Not Track by visiting the Preferences or settings of your web browser.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us via email at hello@hoamessenger.com

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